Facebook now accounts for 65% of total social network ad spend and is expected to reach $36 billion in 2017, while Google saw a 17% increase in revenues from 2014 to 2015.

These are now the go-to channels for marketers wishing to attract users and user attention, with businesses putting aside huge budgets to reach audiences on these platforms.

Facebook and Google have also both influenced how users search for information online and respond to advertising, in ways that marketers need to be aware of and adapt to in order for their advertising campaigns to be a success.

Both channels are powerful in their own, unique ways, but both also have their problems.

How can marketers overcome these challenges and optimize their campaigns for the twin giants of Google and Facebook?

Content produced in association with Fospha.

Source From – https://searchenginewatch.com/2017/10/05/how-to-optimize-your-ad-campaigns-for-consumer-behavior-on-facebook-and-google/ More About “How to optimize your ad campaigns for consumer behavior on Facebook and Google”

For about almost 14 years now, I’ve been reported on Google algorithm updates. We’ve been through different levels of communication with Google regarding these updates.
Early on, Google simply did 30 day Google Dances, so it was clear when Google did an update. After that we had updates like Florida and many others that Google did not confirm or talk much about, but we knew there were major changes. Then Matt Cutts at Google shared very specific details on updates around Panda, Penguin, EMDs, and many others. In fact, he would give us the percentage of change Google noticed in the search results around them.
Now we are back to a point where the only changes Google is communicating are major indexing issues, like the mobile first index and such. Google has not confirmed officially any search quality or spam algorithms in a long long time. On one hand, I miss the confirmations, on the other hand, now Google mocks us with their “we change things all the time” line. Of course they do, I write 5 stories a day on this site, so I change this site all the time too! Kristine Schachinger put it well with some of the frustration around the lack of communication.

Source From – https://www.seroundtable.com/google-announce-algorithms-24572.html Visir Here For More About “Google Says They Are Not Done Announcing Future Algorithms”

As an e-commerce store owner, you want more e-commerce sales – as does everyone. But not everyone knows how to make the most of their search engine optimization (SEO) efforts to get more bang for every buck that goes into the e-store search engine visibility and marketing campaign. Below are some of the most reliable e-commerce SEO strategies for you to fare better than the rest.

There are more methods of keyword research and analysis than one person would care to count, so let’s skip the queue and give you the real deal. With e-commerce, your keyword research must be done with your business goals in mind (product inquiries, sales, ratings, reviews, etc.). Here are some lesser-known ways to shortlist the most relevant keywords for your niche.

  • Research Using Amazon And eBay
  • Qualify Your Keywords

Source From – https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/10/06/how-to-make-your-e-commerce-seo-strategy-deliver-the-maximum-roi Read More About “How To Make Your E-Commerce SEO Strategy Deliver The Maximum ROI”

Looking for insights not easily gleaned through spreadsheets and raw data? Columnist Dave Davies explains how to use Gephi, a data visualization tool, to create a visual representation of your site structure with regard to inbound link strength.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words — and wow, are they correct!

Today, I’m going to illustrate powerful ways to visualize your site structure, specifically as it relates to pages that acquire incoming links; however, we’ll also discuss other applications of this technique using analytics metrics or other third-party data.

There are a number of reasons you would want to do this, among them to provide a visual context to data. As we will see below, visual representations of data can assist in quickly identifying patterns in site structures that may not be evident when viewed as a spreadsheet or as raw data. You can also use these visuals to explain to clients and other stakeholders what’s going on in a site structure.

To build a visual representation of our site structure as it relates to incoming links, we will be:

running Screaming Frog to gather internal page data and link structure.
adding the number of backlinks each page has to the page’s metrics.
using Gephi to create a visual representation of this data.
For those unfamiliar with Gephi, it’s an open-source data visualization tool — basically, it turns data into an interactive picture.

Source From – http://searchengineland.com/visually-understanding-site-structure-external-link-weight-impact-282706 Visit Here For Read More About “Visually understanding your site structure and external link weight impact”

Updating your e-commerce platform can do a lot of positive things for your brand. But if you aren’t careful, it can also wreak havoc on your site’s authority with search engines.

Here are nine things you should do to safeguard your SEO efforts during the process.

1. Create a List Of All URLs On Your Existing Site

2. Clarify What Changes Will Occur During the Site Migration

3. Create a List of the URLs That You Will Implement on the New Site

4. Create a Redirect Map from Your Legacy Site to the Updated Site

5. Account for Any Manually Created Links

6. Create a List of Your Most Authoritative Pages

7. Measure Your Rankings

8. Address Any Pages That Will Go Missing

9. Post-Launch Monitoring

Read More – www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-ecommerce-platform-migration/217307/