
Here's Why You Shouldn't Focus on Keywords Only

Does anyone else remember the old days of SEO? Realistically, they weren’t that long ago, but in the age of the internet, even a few years is practically an eon. A lot has changed since people began optimizing their websites for search engines.

Back in the day, SEO essentially meant “put in the keywords we want to be associated with our content – and make sure there are LOTS.”

Makes sense, right? Presumably, if someone is searching for “local fair trade coffee” and your website has a page with 15 instances of the term, Google is going to think it’s perfect for what the person is after. Except that’s not how SEO works anymore – at all.

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Artificial Intelligence Making A Mark On SEO

Artificial intelligence is no longer the stuff of the future. It is becoming an increasingly common part of our everyday lives, from the watches we wear that monitor our heart rate to the robots that vacuum our floors without any direction from us. Yet we have traditionally thought of artificial intelligence as similar to a robot that has a mind of its own and can act independently. While these robots would certainly qualify, they are not the only examples.

There are actually three types of artificial intelligence:

  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) can perform one particular task, such as vacuuming your floors.
  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) can perform all things, like a human.
  • Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is the stuff of sci-fi nightmares because it can perform beyond the capabilities of a human.

Google — the leader in almost all things Internet-related — has introduced RankBrain, which is a machine learning algorithm. It is an example of ANI, just like the spam filters in your email or the “recommended products” feature on Amazon.

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expanded-text-ads-guitar-center-exampleExpanded Text Ads are coming to Google AdWords. Are you excited? But more importantly, are you ready?

Expanded Text Ads were one of several huge AdWords changes Google announced recently – if not the biggest. I still can’t believe that Google will soon actually increase its ad text limits by 2x!

expanded text ads in adwords

So what exactly is changing? Here are 10 things advertisers need to know about Expanded Text Ads.

1. What are Expanded Text Ads?

Expanded Text Ads are 2x bigger than current text ads. The new ads are designed to maximize your presence and performance on mobile search results with a bigger headline and an extra long description. (And with a mobile-first mindset, whatever works on mobile is going to get applied to desktop too.)

Expanded Text ads will show across all devices – desktop and mobile – and will wrap automatically based on device size.

Google began testing Expanded Text ads in Q2 of 2016.

Source- More Info  Visit Here – searchenginewatch

Artificial intelligence is changing SEO faster than you think

By now everyone has heard of Google’s RankBrain, the new artificial intelligence machine learning algorithm that is supposed to be the latest and greatest from Mountain View, Calif. What many of you might not realize, however, is just how fast the SEO industry is changing because of it. In this article, I’ll take you through some clear examples of how some of the old rules of SEO no longer apply, and what steps you can take to stay ahead of the curve in order to continue to provide successful SEO campaigns for your businesses.

So what is artificial intelligence?

There are generally three different classifications of artificial intelligence:

  1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): This is like AI for one particular thing (e.g. beating the world champion in chess).
  2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): This is when the AI can perform all things. Once an AI can perform like a human, we consider it AGI.
  3. Artificial Superintelligence (ASI): AI on a much higher level for all things (e.g. beyond the capabilities of a single human).

When we talk about the context of Google’s RankBrain, and the machine learning algorithms that are currently running on Google, we are talking about Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI).

Actually, ANI has been around for some time. Ever wonder how those SPAM filters work in your email? Yep, that’s ANI. Here are some of my favorite ANI programs: Google Translate, IBM’s Watson, that cool feature on Amazon that tells you products that are “recommended for you,” self-driving cars and, yes, our beloved Google’s RankBrain.

Within ANI, there are many different approaches. As Pedro Domingos clearly lays out in his book The Master Algorithm, data scientists trying to achieve the perfect AI can be grouped into five “tribes” today:

  • Symbolists
  • Connectionists
  • Evolutionaries
  • Bayesians
  • Analogizers

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